DNS - Zone Transfer
Make 2 pc , one for domain installed serve  one for member server connected with domain
Install ADDS in both pc

Domain server
IP =
Subnet mask =
Default gateway =
Preferred DNS =

Member server
IP =
Subnet mask =
Default gateway =
Preferred DNS =

Work done in domain server

1. Server manager > Tools > DNS (open it)

2. By default there are no zones, so Right click on Forward lookup Zone and select New Zone > next
3. Select primary zone and next . ACTIVE DIRECTORY ZONE REPLICATION SCOPE
Select > to all DNS servers running on domain controller in this domain:gst.org
4. enter a name for the zone > next
5. Enter a name for the file that information about the new zone will be stored in and click on the Next button.
6. Leave this at the default (do not allow dynamic updates) and click on the Next button.
7. click on the Finish button
8. Right-click on your new domain and then click on Properties
9. At Name Servers tab, Add member  servers name & it's ip
10. Zone transfer, first check the box (Allow zone transfer) , now select only to following servers  , Edit and give IP of member server and ok
DNS Zone : member server name & it's ip

Work done in member server
1.. Server manager > Tool > DNS >

2.. Expand pc name > Expand forward lookup zone there will be (domain name) right click on it & refresh it .

Your DNS Replication or zone transfer is done.
