-It is a reference model
-In actual we use TCP/IP (transimition control protocol / internet protocol)
-It consist of 7 layers
- It is developed by ISO ( International orginasition for standardisition)
Related image
Image result for OSI FULL FROM


- Data will be in bits
- Bits will be converted into light signals or electric signals
- protocol data unit is bits  

Related image


-It adds hedder & trailer
-Header & trailer cotains MAC address of source and destination
-Header contains destination MAC address
-Trailer contains source MAC address
-protocol data unit is frame
Image result for data link layer

Network layer :- 

-the routing layer
-It provides addressing and routing service
- There are 2 addresses in packet one is source address & another is destination address
-The primary network protocol on the neternet , IPv4 ,IPv6 logical addressing
-It is used to connect multiple network 
-network layer does not broadcast the data
-protocol data unit is packet

Transport layer :-

-It is responsable to transmite entire message from source to destination by selecting 2 protocol (TCP/UDP)
-protocol data unit is segment
<>TCP (transmition control protocol):- 
1.It is connection oriented 
2. It is relible
3. It is little bit slow in processing
4. It has more pay loads
ex:-HTTP (hyper text transfer protocol) , FTP (file transfer protocol) , SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol)

<>UDP (user data gram protocol):-
1.It is connection less 
2. It is unrelible 
3. It is fast as compared to TCP
4. It has low pay load
ex:-DNS (domain name system) , TFTP (trivial file transfer protocol) , DHCP (dynamic host control protocol)

Session layer :-

1. create & manage the session via port no
2. it works as giving authentication like (user name , password)
3.protocol of data unit is data
Image result for session layer

presentation layer :-

1.used to present the data in correct formate
2. we can assigne security by extention name ( .exe , .com , .in)
3. encoding assigning code
4. encrypting providing security
5. compressed to reduce size of file
6. protocol data unit is data

Application layer :-

1. Appliction of computer runns under application layer
like (yaho, facebook ,messanger)
2. protocol data unit is data
