chapter 2 =Topology

- It referes in 2 types as physical or logical arrangment of network

* Types of topologies in physical
1. Single node
2. Bus
3. Star
4. Ring
5. Mesh
6. Tree
7. Hybrid

1. Single node Topology :-

 * single device , at times device called dumb terminal is connected to the server
 * Devices operates on files from server & returns them back after completing the task

1. Easy to install configure & manage
2. Least expensive
3. Single cable is requried

1. Network consists of single device
2. Dumb terminal is depend on server
Image result for single node topology

2. Bus topology :-

* All devices are connected to common cable  called trunk
* Maximum segment length of cable is (200 m)
* Maximum 30 devices per segment
* Terminal are used to transfer data within the trunk terminal 
* when 2 singnal colides collision occures
* 50 OHM terminator is used
* Server is at one end and devices are at different positions.
* It operates at half duplex

1. Installing device is easy
2. Requries less cables compare to star topology
3. Less expensive & works better for smaller network.

1. If back bonebreaks entire networks gets down.
2. Difficult to isolate problems
3. Limited number of devices.
Image result for bus topology

3. Star topology:-

* Each devices is connected to centrilized network
* Data passes through centrilized network before destination
* Star topology with switch doesn't broadcast data it will transfer data to specific destination
* Multiple device can transmit or recive data at a time.
* It operates at full duplex

1. Easy to configure , manage , install , expand
2. Centralized managment
3. Addition or removal of device dose not effect the whole network

1. Requries more cable
2. Failure of hub effects entire network
3. More expensive
Image result for star topology

4. Ring topology :-

* Devices are connected in closed loop
* All devices have equal access to media
* Device waits for its turn to transmit
* Most common type of token ring

1. Data travels at great speed.
2. No collisions
3. Handels large volume of traffic

1. More cabling is requried as compared to BUS 
2. One faulty device effect the entire network
3. Addition of devices effect network
Image result for ring topology

5. Dual Ring topology :-

* Consist of two independent primiry and secondary rings
* Secondary ring is redundant , used only when primary stops functioning
Image result for dual ring topology

5. Mesh topology :-

* Used in WANs to inter connect LANs
* Every device is connected to every other device
* Use routers to determine the best path of communication

1. Improves fault tolerance
2. Failure of one link does not effect entire network
3. centrilized managment is not required

1. Difficult to install & manage
2. Each link from one device to other requires individual NIC
3. Very much expensive
Image result for mesh topology

1. Full mesh = All devices are connected to each other
Image result for full mesh topology
2. Partial mesh =Some devices are connected to only those with whom they exchange most of the data
Image result for partial mesh topology

6. Tree topology :-

* Connects group of star network
* Device are wired to root hub
* Root hub is connect to second level devices
* Lowest level devices are smaller computers

1. Easy to add new devices
2. Point to point wiring for each devices
3. Fault detection is easy

1. Difficult to configure
2. If backbone breaks entire network gose down
3. More expensive
Image result for tree topology

7. Hybrid topology :-

* Combines two or more different physical topology
* Commonly star-bus or star-ring
* Star-ring uses Multistation access unit (MAU)

1. Used for creating large networks
2. Handels large volume of traffic
3. Fault detection is easy

1. Installation and configuration is difficult
2. More expensive then other topology
3. More cabling is required
Image result for hybrid topology
