chapter 1= basic computer network

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A computer network, or data network, is a digital telecommunications network which allows nodes to share resources. In computer networks, computing devices exchange data with each other using connections between nodes

* Network is used to sharing hardware resource like (printer,data storage device)
* To share the file and to access the file
* To transfer multimedia message like (Audio, video)
* to access the internet we need network 
* Sharing of programs /software 
* Sharing of information 
* Can access server centered database
Computer Network   Interconnection of two or more computers and    peripherals   Allows user to share and transfer infor...
Types of network :-
Network are classified depending upon the graphical area covered by the network
Related image
1. LAN (local area network) = 2 DIFFERENT SUB TYPES OF LAN
PAN (personal area network) 
CAN (campus area network) 

 Types of LAN :-
1. Ethernet 
2. Token Ring
3. Token bus
4. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) 

2. MAN (metropolitan area network) 
3.WAN (wide area network)

All the standards to run the network are given by  ITU (INTERNATIONAL TELECOMUNICATION UNION)The mission of ITU-D is to raise the level of awareness of decision-makers concerning the role of telecommunications in national economic and social development; provide telecommunications policy advice; promote the development, expansion and operation of telecom networks and services, particularly in developing countries; and cooperate closely with regional and global financing institutions, telecom organizations and others to promote telecom development. Another goal is to encourage industry participation in telecom development through technology transfer and technical assistance. TIA is an ITU-D Sector Member and regularly participates in ITU-D meetings

client & server configuration

consists of two element client & server
*server :-
  -A centralized element which provides resources to client
 -Manages Data , printers & network traffic

 *client :-
- Manages local resources used by users such as monitor, keyboard , CPU & peripherals . 

OSI (open system interconnection) is reference model for how applications can communicate over a network . A reference model is a conceptual framework for understanding reletionships. The TCP/IP protocols, which define the internet, do not map cleanly to the OSI model.

Network topology is the arrangment of the various elements (link , nodes, etc) of a communication network . Network topology is the topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically.
